Natural History Museum |
Alright everyone! I know that my last post about England wasn't very full of info, but this is the post that I would like to give you the low down on everything! I am a very organised person, but I really wanted this trip to be "unplanned". I love that I was actually able to pull everything off that I did on the budget that I had, but there are still some things on my list that I did not get to mark off. That being said: I do plan on going back to continue working on that list.
My budget for this trip was about £160. I say that because my hostel money was also in that budget. I do realise that it is not a lot of money, but you have to think about the city that I traveled to. All museums in London are FREE! They are a great experience and also a fantastic getaway from the rain if you just happen to forget you umbrella back at the hostel (true story). I think that, as much as I love are and loved seeing real Van Gogh works hanging on walls in from of me, I loved the Victoria and Albert museum the most. I believe that I had a post about always touching old buildings and how much I love doing so, so the fact that the thing I saw most in the museum the most were the signs stating "Do Not Touch",made going through the museum hard but it was to be expected. I only paid to get into one museum and that was The Globe Theatre. It was well worth the money too. It was pouring down rain that day and it was amazing. I actually got to sit in on one of the main actors of the theatre recording some sort of commercial. It was almost like watching a performance, or at least I got to hear just how great the acoustics could be. Even though the building that I was sitting in was finished in about 1993, it is an original "remake". They took Shakespeare's works and what they said to remake his original theatre. I really suggest making this part of your list even if you are not into Shakespeare or theatre, it was a great bit of history to learn about and they also have a museum inside with costumes and set designs, and my favourite...more history!!!
Costume from The Globe Theatre |
Victoria and Albert Museum |
For all of you music lovers reading, there are SO many different items that you could add to your list! A few that I went to were to the theatres around town. If you're having trouble finding some, you clearly are either looking too hard or you're one street over. Theatres are everywhere in London! I think I mistakenly found at least five! My favourites being Covent Garden and the Royal Albert Hall. The Royal Albert Hall is right across the street from the Royal College of Music. (Which just so happens to be on the backside of the Natural History Museum!)
Royal Albert Hall |
For me, this trip was not about going into every place that I came upon, but to be able to be near some of these buildings that, if you're like most, are only seen in movies or on the internet. It was incredible to stand next to them and just have that moment of realisation of "holy crap! I am in London, England and just so happen to be taking a photo of Big Ben". Or you could walk down Baker St. and see 221B and just sort of giggle to yourself as you look for Cumberbatch and Freeman to come walking round the corner.
And on the note of trains and trips, I will speak briefly of the London Underground! Riding that thing was so much fun! It made me feel local! It is, however, rather expensive. When I was in Paris two years ago, a oneway ticket for the metro was about €1.40. For the Underground it is about £4.00. I strongly suggest getting some sort of Oyster card. I was able to use one from Stefan that he had from when he performed in London. It was just the one that you can refill with whatever amount you want, but it cuts the cost in half! There are also other options with Oyster! You can get a card for about £37 that will let you ride endlessly on anything that will allow Oyster card payment. (Most of the buses that you see in London take Oyster, and all Undergrounds, DLR, etc.) I would also like to state that having maps out while walking around the streets is not a very good idea. I usually pulled off into a local cafe or something of the like before pulling out maps to start thinking of where to go next. It was easier and you weren't interrupting the everyday lives of those around you. (Tube maps are in every station and city maps can me found just about everywhere including your average hostel.)
My food budget was a little scary. I ended up only doing about £10 per day. I know that it sounds bad, but for about £3, you can go into a market and buy a sandwich, a yogurt with granola, and a drink, so it really isn't bad. My hostel did include breakfast which was very nice! It was just a small spread of some cereals, toast, and tea (would you expect anything less from and English breakfast?). I am, however, a very big coffee fan and even though I can go days without having coffee, I choose not to. I did enjoy going to the local coffee shops! The coffee is great and it is much cheaper than your average Starbucks! I will confess that I stopped at some Starbucks joints just to sit for a bit and use the internet. The local shops, however, are where you'll find really cool people and get to just sit and relax in a different atmosphere. I ended up finding one coffee shop in Monmouth where they had communal tables! I met a couple from Boston, two people from England, one guy from Ireland who traveled between NY and London as an actor, and an Australian! The tables were "Mobile free zones", which made you talk to one another! I loved it! Overall, my favourite coffee shop in the world right now, and to top it off, the coffee was absolutely AMAZING! Monmouth Coffee Co., if you're ever in the area check it out!
All in all, the trip was not too bad. If you would like to have more of a social experience other than that at a hostel, which is great for making new friends, then I would just tell you to have a bit more money than I had. If you really just want to experience the city and see the amazing sites that it holds, then you do not need much money. I hope this post helps! Have fun on your next adventure! I know I will!
On a very different side note: I got to see my best friend today!
Bis dann!!
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