So! Yesterday was great! It rained all day and was cool enough for me to wear jeans, long sleeves, and wool socks!!! (For those reading who don't know, I LOVE COLD WEATHER!!!!!) We had a lazy morning with a breakfast of yogurt, bread with all kind of cold cuts and cheeses, and coffee. After Sophia went off to a friends birthday party down the road Sabine, Lukas and I went to go see the castles on the Rhine river. Well, since the weather wasn't permitting enough we went another way to see some BIG rocks hanging on the side of a mountain! When I say big, I mean bigger than my house. It was a little scary driving by them, but we made it in one piece to where? Of all the places in the world that I never thought I would end up. We ended up in.....
(If you can't see the sign, Bingen!!!!)
That's right all music lovers who are reading this. I went to the place where Hildegard lived!!!! Well, the town at least. We are going back with nice weather to her home!
After I nerded out a little we went down to the river (Nahe) and watched where it met with the Rhine.
We started driving to find a place to stop and have a coffee before heading back home. What started out as a want for coffee slowly turned into a two hour excursion of watching the river, looking at the some six castles and churches perched on the mountains on either side of the river, and finally finding a place to have some coffee. And that place? Was in a castle!!!!
(Fort #1, built yesterday morning)

It was absolutely fantastic!!!! The views and the small streets were amazing! A little slick from the rain (I slipped twice), but beautiful none the less. After this we came home and waited for Sophia to come home before we went out to eat in a nearby town with some friends. It was so cool!!!! Not even ten minutes away! The place that we tried to go first was sold out, so we went to a place jut on the other side called The Rosegarten. It was so cute! Some sparkling wine and I ate cheese, meet that I didn't know, some veggies, and (as did everyone else) some of Sophia's French fries. Overall I give it a ten out of ten.
Today, however, I woke up and went downstairs to get ready. Sabine had informed me yesterday that she was having a friend over for breakfast. Me being me, I didn't want to intrude even with the invitation to join them the night before. I am in the middle of reading an intense part of Les Miserables when Sabine comes down and tells me that I can come up (I hadn't had breakfast, but I didn't mind to get it after). I went up with them and had the best morning that I have had in quite some time. Sabine really outdid herself. There were small cakes (gluten free and fantastic!), small sandwiches (ham, cheese, egg, and more ham) and of course, coffee. BUT there was a surprise that I really don't even know the name of so for now we will call it heaven. Oh my sweet baby llama!!! I put it in my mouth and both others were looking at me laughing. I can understand why! If I was making the face I think I was making, then it was pretty funny. I could have eaten ten of these by myself!!!! Thank God I could only have two! It didn't rain today, but it was just very overcast. The rest of the day was really nothing. I got to drive again and I had fun with the kids while building fort number two in Lukas' room.
Das ist alles für jetzt!
Bis bald!
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